hehehe.. ini salah satu lagu korea yg bner" aku suka.. IU feat SEULONG - Nagging..
pertamanya denger lagu dari blog temen.. pertama dengernya aja udah enak..
di tambah tau artinyaa? hehe, jadi makin suka lagunya.. :)
kita liat lyrics'a yuuk! ada art b.indonya juga sih..
tpi klo salah artiannya maaf ya.. gak begitu bisa b.inggris soalnya.. hehe :D
Stop being out so late
(berhenti keluar hingga terlambat)
Try not to drink so often
Try not to drink so often
untuk tidak minum terlalu sering)
You don't listen to me like a 10 year old child
You don't listen to me like a 10 year old child
tidak mendengar perkataanku, seolah aku adalah anak kecil yang berumur 10
I can only laugh
hanya dapat tertawa)
Who are you calling a child?
Who are you calling a child?
yang kau sebut anak kecil?)
Really, I can only laugh
(sungguh, aku hanya
dapat tertawa)Really, I can only laugh
You don't know how it feels for me to say these
tidak tahu bagaimana perasaanku mengatakan hal-hal tersebut)
You don't know that I only want to say nice things to you
You don't know that I only want to say nice things to you
tidak tahu bahwa aku hanya ingin berkata hal-hal yang baik kepadamu)
Should I stop? Let's stop
Should I stop? Let's stop
aku berhenti? Mari berhenti)
From one to ten, they're all words for you
From one to ten, they're all words for you
(dari 1
hingga 10, itulah semua kata-kata untukmu)
But since you don't listen to me, it's only nagging to you
But since you don't listen to me, it's only nagging to you
sejak kamu tidak mendengar perkataanku, itu hanyalah menjadi bahan ejekan untukmu)
Let's stop, let's stop
Let's stop, let's stop
berhenti, mari berhenti)
There's not even enough time to just love
There's not even enough time to just love
tidak cukup waktu, bahkan untuk hanya sekedar cinta)
A story told by the heart, not the mind
cerita diceritakan oleh hati, bukan pikiran)
Stories that I can't help but tell you even if you hate them
Stories that I can't help but tell you even if you hate them
cerita yang aku tidak dapat memberitahumu, bahkan jika kamu membenci mereka)
Let's stop, let's stop
Let's stop, let's stop
berhenti, mari berhenti)
I only hear your nagging
I only hear your nagging
hanya mendengar ejekanmu)
Are you eating at the right time
Are you eating at the right time
kamu makan di waktu yg tepat)
Are you staying away from girls
Are you staying away from girls
kamu tinggal jauh dari para gadis)
I want to be beside you all day
I want to be beside you all day
ingin berada di sampingmu setiap hari)
That's how I feel
That's how I feel
(itulah bagaimana
yang aku rasakan)
If I could keep you in my pocket
If I could keep you in my pocket
(jika aku
dapat membuatmu berada dalam dompetku)
I'd be really happy
I'd be really happy
(aku akan
benar-benar merasa senang)
Our story where we can only be two
Our story where we can only be two
kita, dimana hanya terdapat kita berdua)
A story that would make someone laugh if they heard
A story that would make someone laugh if they heard
yang akan membuat seseorang tertawa apabila mereka mendengarnya)
Should I stop? Let's stop
(haruskah aku
berhenti? Mari berhenti)Should I stop? Let's stop
back to reff
Even if you glare and try to scare me
jika kamu menyilaukan dan mencoba menakut-nakutiku)
Your face is just too cute to me
Your face is just too cute to me
hanya terlihat imut untukku)
Are you going to keep this up? (You) I can't hold back anymore
Are you going to keep this up? (You) I can't hold back anymore
kamu akan tetap seperti ini? Aku tidak dapat menahannya lagi)
I really might get angry
(aku mungkin akan benar-benar marah)
I really might get angry
(aku mungkin akan benar-benar marah)
A story that wouldn't be told if we were to
give up love
cerita yang tidak akan diceritakan jika kita menyerah soal cinta)
The sound of my heart that thinks only of you
The sound of my heart that thinks only of you
hatiku hanya selalu berfikir tentangmu..)
Even if you're angry, even if you shout
Even if you're angry, even if you shout
jika kamu marah, bahkan jika kamu membentak)
Your nagging is just so sweet to me
(ejekanmu hanya terlihat indah untukku)
Your nagging is just so sweet to me
(ejekanmu hanya terlihat indah untukku)
A story that can only be told if we love
cerita yang hanya di ceritakan jika kita saling mencintai)
But since you don't listen to me, it's only nagging to you
But since you don't listen to me, it's only nagging to you
sejak kamu tidak mendengar perkataanku, itu hanya menjadi sebuah ejekan
Let's stop, let's stop
Let's stop, let's stop
berhenti, mari berhenti)
But trust my feelings
But trust my feelings
percayalah pada perasaanku..)